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Biomax Expands Agreement with Royal DSM to Include Synthetic Biology Solutions

By a GenomeWeb staff reporter

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Biomax Informatics today said that it has expanded its licensing and services agreement with Royal DSM to include solutions for synthetic biology using the BioXM Knowledge Management Environment system.

BioXM is a software platform for dynamic modeling, visualization, and analysis of biological and biomedical networks. It enables an agile process for the development of new life sciences applications and the quick deployment of new solutions to large user communities, Biomax said.

Biomax and Royal DSM have been collaborating since 1998, and Royal DSM had early access to the next-generation BioXM system. BioXM version 4 was released in March and has a customizable web portal builder that enables quick publishing of BioXM-based application on the Internet.

Based in Planegg, Germany, Biomax develops software solutions for life science applications. Royal DSM is a life science and materials science firm headquartered in Heerlen, the Netherlands.