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Annai Systems Joins Cancer Research Consortium

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Annai Systems is partnering with the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) and the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) to provide its Annai GNOS data management software to six centers that house data for the Pan Cancer Project.

Researchers will use Annai's software to upload, store, access, and manage approximately one petabyte of data from the Pan Cancer Project in the cloud at the six centers. The current dataset contains transcriptomic, DNA methylation, and other types of information from 2,000 whole genome tumor-normal pairs.

The Pan Cancer Project — part of the ICGC's efforts to generate comprehensive catalogues of genomic abnormalities in 50 different cancer types and subtypes — aims to improve and standardize methods of analyzing oncology data including development of a core package for analyzing somatic mutations.

"We selected Annai Systems as our data management partner based on their previous work with the Cancer Genome Hub," Lincoln Stein, director of OICR's informatics and biocomputing program, and ICGC's data coordination center, said in a statement. "It was important to be able to rapidly establish these data centers and ensure that the data could be securely uploaded and stored, and easily queried and accessed by a number of researchers. Annai's GNOS platform was the ideal solution."