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Acellera Taps Silicon Mechanics to Build Appliance for Biomolecular Simulation Software


Silicon Mechanics said this week that it has been selected by UK-based Acellera to put together its MetroCubo, an appliance that will be used to run Acellera's ACEMD biomolecular simulation software.

Silicon Mechanics said that it will responsible for assembling MetroCubo appliances at its manufacturing facility in Bothell, Wash. and shipping them to customers. The company will also provide support for the system.

The appliance will be able to provide more than 12 teraflops of single-precision floating point performance using 6144 graphics processing unit cores per node. A base configuration will be an Acellera workstation with a rackable patented chassis, with precision laser-cut 7-piece steel and an HDD anti-vibration case.

The financial details of the partnership were not disclosed.

Silicon Mechanics also has a partnership with Knome. The company's hardware underlies the KnoSys 100, an analysis platform that combines Knome's KnoSoft genome interpretation application and KGAP informatics engine with a hardware platform configured by Silicon Mechanics (BI 4/12/2013).

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