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ReadCoor, Joint Pathology Center Collaborate on Pathogen Detection Technology

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – ReadCoor announced today that it has partnered with the Joint Pathology Center (JPC) to develop diagnostic tools for determining the pathogenic cause of mortality using its proprietary FISSEQ (Florescent In-Situ Sequencing) technology.

The Cambridge, Massachusetts-based firm will use its FISSEQ sequencing platform to identify the causes behind mortality from RNA, DNA, and proteins localized in a variety of inflamed tissue samples from JPC's tissue repository. This will be ReadCoor's fourth major partnership since the company launched in September 2016.

The FISSEQ platform detects mutated pathogens, identifies contamination, separates pathogens of mortality from benign pathogens, and correlates pathogen location with inflammation.  

Last December, ReadCoor received a $2.5 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop the infectious disease detection capabilities for its FISSEQ platform.