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Thermo Fisher Scientific to Market, Sell Synthego Synthetic Guide RNAs

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Synthego said today that Thermo Fisher Scientific will market and sell its synthetic guide RNA products under a Thermo Fisher brand.

Synthego will manufacture synthetic guide RNAs for Thermo Fisher, including a synthetic crRNA:tracrRNA, a synthetic single guide RNA, and a chemically modified sgRNA. Thermo Fisher will sell these products, which may differ from Synthego's own products in configuration and design, under the Invitrogen TrueGuide brand.

"With Thermo Fisher's reputation and extensive market reach, this partnership will make high-quality synthetic guide RNA technologies for CRISPR genome engineering readily accessible to all scientists worldwide," Synthego CEO Paul Dabrowski said in a statement.

"Synthego's manufacturing capabilities for synthetic guide RNAs are ideal to produce Thermo Fisher's TrueGuide synthetic gRNAs," added Helge Bastian, Thermo Fisher's vice president and general manager of synthetic biology. "With the addition of TrueGuide synthetic gRNAs, Invitrogen's TrueEdit portfolio now provides end-to-end solutions for researchers' genome editing applications."