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Sigma-Aldrich, GenOway Modify CRISPR Strategic Alliance

NEW YORK — Sigma-Aldrich and GenOway said on Thursday that they have restructured a strategic alliance around the development of rodent models based on CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing.

In late 2018, Sigma-Aldrich — then known as MilliporeSigma — exclusively licensed its CRISPR technology to Lyon, France-based GenOway for use in developing new rodent models and related products. GenOway was also tasked with developing a network of sublicensees for the technology in model creation and distribution businesses, as well as preclinical services.

Under the new partnership, GenOway will continue to commercialize and sublicense rodent models and related technology using Sigma-Aldrich's CRISPR intellectual property, with Sigma-Aldrich overseeing commercialization of the IP, as well as related products and services, in areas outside of rodent models including mammalian cells. GenOway has also been granted nonexclusive rights to the IP that will allow it to offer CRISPR products and services for research applications in mammalian cells.

Lastly, the companies will collaborate to offer sublicenses to the CRISPR IP in both the mammalian cell and rodent model fields.

Additional terms were not disclosed.

St. Louis-based Sigma-Aldrich, which is a subsidiary of Germany's Merck KGaA, nonexclusively licensed its CRISPR IP to Horizon Discovery earlier this year.