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Funds Sought for Vaccine Distribution

US states and territories say they do not have enough funding to prepare for the distribution of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, according to the Washington Post.

While there is no currently approved or authorized SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in the US, a handful of clinical trials expect early results soon that could potentially be used to seek emergency authorization from the Food and Drug Administration. In the meantime, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has asked the states to develop plans in preparation for the distribution of a vaccine or vaccines, when ready.

But the Post reports that state health officials have complained about the lack of federal funding for those efforts. "It is absolutely ridiculous that the administration, after spending $10 billion for a Warp Speed effort to develop a vaccine, has no interest in a similar investment in a Warp Speed campaign to get the vaccine to every American as quickly as possible after it is approved," Michael Fraser, executive director of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, tells it.

The Post adds that states and territories have received $200 million from the CDC for their planning and are asking Congress for $8 billion for coronavirus vaccination and $500 million for influenza vaccine efforts, as part of the emergency supplemental funding package.