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Pairings: Oct 20, 2010


The Institute of Medicine announced the names of 65 new members and five foreign associates at its 40th annual meeting last week. Election to the IOM is awarded to leaders in the field of medicine "who have demonstrated outstanding professional achievement and commitment to service," according to the institute.

Below is a short list of new IOM members in the field of genetics: Bruce Gelb, professor of pediatrics and genomics and genetic sciences at Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Carol Greider, director of the department of molecular biology and genetics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Neil Risch, director of the Institute for Human Genetics, University of California-San Francisco; Joseph St. Geme III, James B. Duke Professor at the department of molecular genetics and microbiology at Duke University School of Medicine; David Altshuler, chief academic officer of the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT; Riccardo Dalla-Favera, professor of pathology, genetics and development at Columbia University Medical Center; Titia de Lange, professor of laboratory of cell biology and genetics at Rockefeller University; and Charis Eng, professor and vice chair of the department of genetics at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.