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Kreatech, LUMC Co-developing Tumor Tests

By a GenomeWeb staff reporter

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Dutch molecular diagnostics shop Kreatech Diagnostics announced today a co-development deal with Leiden University Medical Center directed at fluorescent in situ hybridization probes for genetic targets in bone and soft tissue tumors.

Biomarkers resulting from research conducted at LUMC will be used to design and commercialize diagnostic tests for the differential diagnosis of tumors and as companion diagnostics, Kreatech said. LUMC will validate the probes and Kreatech will manufacture and commercialize them.

Further terms of the deal were not disclosed.

The first three probes, which will focus on sarcoma diagnostics, are expected to be launched this year. The two partners also intend to develop a range of FISH probes for the pathology field.