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DiagnoCure Retains JMP to Help with Lab Business

By a GenomeWeb staff reporter

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – DiagnoCure this week said that it has retained the financial services firm JMP Securities to help it increase business for its DiagnoCure Oncology Laboratories.

In a statement, Yves Fradet, president and chief medical officer of DiagnoCure, added that JMP will help the company "determine the most effective method to roll out our colorectal cancer disease management program."

Based in West Chester, Penn., the oncology lab is a subsidiary of DiagnoCure and launched its Previstage GCC Colorectal Cancer Staging Test in 2008. The test is currently undergoing additional testing for confirmation of its clinical utility, DiagnoCure said.

The laboratory recently received approval from New York state to use the Previstage test on commercial samples originating in New York, opening up a significant market for the firm, it said at the time.