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Sphere Fluidics, Peak Analysis Partner for Single-Cell Analysis

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) — Sphere Fluidics has signed an agreement to integrate Peak Analysis and Automation's (PAA) automated microplate handling technology into its Cyto-Mine single-cell analysis system, the British companies announced this week.

Launched in late 2017, Sphere's Cyto-Mine automates single-cell analysis, sorting, imaging, and dispensing to speed biopharmaceutical discovery. Under the terms of the deal, PAA's S-LAB plate handler will be integrated into the system to help increase throughput in antibody discovery and cell line development.

Additional terms were not disclosed.

"Our Cyto-Mine is compatible with 96- and 384-well microtiter plates," Sphere CEO Frank Craig said in a statement. "By combining this with the easy-to-use automated plate reader from Peak Analysis and Automation, we will be able to offer improved throughput capabilities to help reduce timelines in biotherapeutic discovery and cell line development."

In mid-2017, Sphere won a $1.3 million grant from InnovateUK to adapt the Cyto-Mine technology for genome editing applications.