urinary tract infection
Molecular Panel Use for UTI Diagnosis Increasing Despite Lack of Clinical Evidence for Tests
Using claims data, researchers saw an uptick in urinary tract infections diagnosed with pricey molecular panels, notwithstanding their limited clinical evidence.
Pathnostics UTI Test Nabs New York State Approval
The molecular test identifies organisms and resistance genes combined with pooled antibiotic susceptibility results.
After having cut its teeth on the cannabis, food, and COVID-19 testing markets, PathogenDx is now poised to launch a microarray-based test for urinary tract infections.
The firm's Lodestar Dx platform uses loop-mediated isothermal amplification to detect pathogens causing urinary tract infections.
OpGen, Fisher Healthcare Ink Distribution Deal for Unyvero MDx System
The nonexclusive distribution partnership is expected to increase US commercial adoption of the highly multiplexed PCR system.