Salmonella enterica
FDA Clears Qiagen's Five-Target Syndromic GI Panel
The firm said it is the first to have both comprehensive and targeted qPCR panels to detect gastrointestinal pathogens.
Ancient DNA Points to Plague, Typhoid Pathogens on Greek Island During Bronze Age Transition Period
Investigators characterized genome sequences for Yersinia pestis and Salmonella enterica isolates from Crete during a Bronze Age transition between Early and Middle Minoan periods.
Researchers showed how an isothermal amplification technique could detect S. enterica serovars from culture by targeting specific gene markers.
Ancient Salmonella Genomes Reveal Human Lifestyle-Related Host Adaptations
By sequencing ancient Salmonella enterica isolates, investigators retraced the history of the bug in humans transitioning to pastoral and agricultural lifestyles.
Genomic Study Points to Stability in Enteric Fever-Causing Salmonella Lineage
Starting with an 800-year-old sample from Norway, researchers retraced relationships between pig- and human-infecting Salmonella enterica lineages.