New York State DOH Approves Solvd Lab for Clinical PGx Testing
The company markets an assay intended to predict patients' risk of developing opioid use disorder, helping physicians tailor their use of these drugs.
Physicians are intrigued by the concept but want to see more data on the benefits of medical cannabis and on the underlying genetic links that can facilitate personalization.
In the PGx-ACT trial, investigators are tracking if patients unable to fully benefit from hydrocodone, tramadol, or codeine can get on the right drug with the help of genetic testing.
Proove Biosciences CEO Exonerated in PGx Test Kickback Case
Proove's founder and CEO was indicted last year on charges the company had defrauded Medicare and violated the Anti-Kickback Statute by paying physicians to use its pharmacogenetic tests.
Less Painful Childbirth Associated With Rare Variant in Ion Channel Gene
First-time mothers who did not request pain relief during labor were more likely to carry a rare variant in a potassium channel-coding gene.