liver disease
Illumina, Ovation Collaborate on Generating Clinical Genomic Data for Research
During the first phase, the partners will create pilot datasets for liver disease, chronic kidney disease, and patients treated with GLP-1 receptor agonists.
NAFLD Molecular Subtypes Unearthed Through Integrative Multiomic Study
Investigators used integrated multiomic analyses to identify three subtypes of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease marked by distinct progression risk patterns.
Gene Editing Startup Tome Biosciences Launches With $213M in Financing
Tome has exclusively licensed CRISPR technology from MIT developed by cofounders Omar Abudayyeh and Jonathan Gootenberg for use in gene and cell therapy.
Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential Linked to Increased Risk of Chronic Liver Disease
A study of 214,563 individuals from four large cohorts shows CHIP is associated with an elevated risk of liver inflammation and chronic liver disease.
Beethoven's Genome Offers Clues to Composer's Liver Disease, Family History
Researchers analyzed DNA from authenticated hair samples of the German composer, identifying liver disease risk variants along with hepatitis B virus sequences.