Pancreatic Cancer Study Uncovers Prognostic Splicing Signature
Researchers used transcriptome data to ID a splicing signature and splicing factor linked to poor outcomes in the basal-like pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma subtype.
Prognostic Pancreatic Cancer Biomarkers Uncovered in Prospective Proteomics Study
Researchers came up with a proteomics-based prognostic model for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, while flagging two proteins with ties to adjuvant chemotherapy response.
Gastric Cancer Single-Cell Transcriptome Study Sheds Light on Disease Development, Progression
Researchers defined informative cell populations in the tissue microenvironment using non-cancerous, precancerous, primary tumor, and metastatic tumor samples.
Esophageal Cancer, Precancer Study Points to Extrachromosomal DNA Appearance
By analyzing precancerous Barrett's esophagus samples, researchers found that oncogene-containing extrachromosomal DNA may contribute to cancer transformation.
Immunotherapy Response Features Identified in Pancreatic Cancer Microenvironment
Researchers compared tumor microenvironment features in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cases receiving an allogeneic vaccine with or without anti-PD-1 treatment.