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Trinean to Manufacture Qiagen's Microvolume Spectrometer

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Trinean announced that it has entered into a manufacturing and supply agreement with Qiagen for the production of QIAxpert, a microvolume spectrometer for DNA and RNA quantitation and analysis.

QIAxpert is a customized version of Trinean's Xpose reader, launched in early 2013. According to the Belgian microfluidic spectrophotometry firm, the platform "redefines manual UV/VIS quantification into a convenient, high-speed solution."

QIAxpert contains a tailor-made solution for Qiagen customers using the firm's DNA and RNA sample technologies and devices for quality control applications.

The deal "significantly boosts the market reach of our spectrometry technology," Trinean VP of Commercial Operations Yvan Sergeant said in a statement. "It combines microfluidics with innovative spectral content profiling software for accurate quantitation of biological samples and further illustrates the importance of our ability to have a sound purity check of biological samples prior to any genetic test."

Financial and other terms of the agreement were not disclosed.