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Strand Partners with El Camino Hospital on Genomics Center

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Strand Life Sciences today said that it is collaborating with El Camino Hospital to establish the Strand Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine at the Genomic Medicine Institute of the El Camino Hospital.

The aim of the center will be to accelerate the adoption of next-generation sequencing-based research panels and counseling services by physicians at El Camino Hospital and its partner clinics. El Camino's Genomic Medicine Institute is based in Mountain View, Calif., and is focused on bringing personalized medicine to the clinic.

Bangalore, India-based Strand said that it signed a letter of understanding on Wednesday with officials from El Camino to launch the new center. It said that the collaboration would bring genomic tests for cardiology, oncology, pharmacogenomics, and other personalized medicine applications to the community served by the hospital.

"ECH is focused on the practical aspects of clinical medicine, while Strand's expertise, as embodied by their tagline, lies in providing 'Algorithms for Life.' So it is a perfect marriage between partners with diverse expertise and a unified vision," Eric Pifer, chief medical officer of El Camino Hospital, said in a statement.