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Sequenom, ArcticDx Settle IP Litigation

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Sequenom and ArcticDx have settled their IP dispute, Sequenom disclosed in its Form 10-Q filed on Thursday.

The firms have reached a settlement agreement and are asking the US District Court, Eastern District of Texas Marshall Division to dismiss the lawsuit filed by ArcticDx earlier this year, Sequenom said in its document filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

The disputed patents relate to adult macular degeneration testing technology.

In the lawsuit, Canadian molecular diagnostics firm ArcticDx accused Sequenom and its Sequenom Center for Molecular Medicine subsidiary of infringing US Patent 8,114,592, licensed by ArcticDx from Cambridge Enterprise. It also asked the court to find that it did not infringe on five patents held by Sequenom — US Patents 8,053,190; 7,867,727; 7,695,909; 7,351,524; and 8,088,579.

Terms of the settlement were not disclosed. Sequenom said that the terms of the settlement are "immaterial" to its financial position, liquidity, and results of operations.