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Qiagen Licenses Two Biomarkers for CDx Development

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Qiagen today announced two exclusive licensing deals aimed at developing companion diagnostic tests for glioblastoma, lymphoma, and other cancers.

In one deal, Qiagen has licensed an option on FGFR-TACC fusion genes from Columbia University. Qiagen plans to develop a diagnostic test based on the biomarker for doctors to use in identifying patients who may benefit from targeted treatments currently under development.

Qiagen also has an exclusive license option with the BC Cancer Agency, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, for the EZH2 Y641 mutation biomarker. Qiagen plans on developing a companion diagnostic based on that biomarker for selecting patients who would benefit from EZH2-targeted therapies being developed.

Financial and other terms of the deal were not disclosed.

"The expansion of our portfolio of biomarkers for the development of innovative companion diagnostics is a key focus of Qiagen," CEO Peer Schatz said in a statement. "Deep relationships with leading academic centers provide a rich source of biomarkers, as in these latest two agreements. In partnership with top pharmaceutical companies, we are translating genomic discoveries into standardized companion diagnostics to guide the use of targeted drugs."

In February, Qiagen and Eli Lilly inked a companion diagnostic agreement for the drug manufacturer's investigational and approved drugs across all therapeutic areas. Qiagen started the year with deals with Drug Response Dx, Insight Genetics, and InsermTransfert to expand its companion diagnostics development pipeline.