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New York State Issues Permit to Asuragen to Offer Fragile X, Thyroid Cancer MDx

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Asuragen today announced it has received a clinical laboratory permit from New York state to offer the company's Xpansion Interpreter and miRInform Thyroid tests in the state.

The Austin, Texas-based firm can now offer the tests in all 50 states in the US, it said.

Xpansion Interpreter is a reflex test for fragile X carriers. It determines the total number of CGG repeats and number of AGG interruptions in the Fragile X Mental Retardation gene and can help determine the risk for potential parents of having a child with fragile X syndrome.

The miRInform Thyroid diagnostic test consists of 17 DNA and RNA biomarkers and can improve the preoperative diagnostic accuracy for patients with indeterminate thyroid nodules, Asuragen said on its website. The panel can also aid in characterizing malignancy, it added.