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MDxHealth Signs Deals with MultiPlan, Three Rivers

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – MDxHealth today said that it has signed agreements with MultiPlan and Three Rivers Provider Network to provide access to the firm's ConfirmMDx for Prostate Cancer test.

The Liege, Belgium-based molecular diagnostics firm said that the two providers combined cover 67 million lives in the US. MultiPlan, which is a healthcare cost management firm, contracts with 900,000 healthcare providers in the US and offers products to approximately 57 million consumers. Three Rivers is a preferred provider organization with more than 6000,000 providers in its network.

ConfirmMDx is an epigenetic-based test that helps clinicians differentiate patients with true negative biopsies from those at risk for occult cancer.

"These two agreements provide access to ConfirmMDx for 25 percent of the insured population within the US, further enabling market adoption of our test nationwide," MDxHealth CEO Jan Groen said in a statement.

Yesterday, MDxHealth announced that Bostwick Laboratories would offer the test through its urology network in the US.