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MDxHealth Increases Access to ConfirmMDx with Two Agreements

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – MDxHealth today announced the signing of agreements that increase the number of covered lives with access to its ConfirmMDx for Prostate Cancer test to more than 152 million in the US.

The company signed separate agreements with Ancillary Care Services, a subsidiary of American CareSource Holdings, and with Consilium, a division of preferred provider organization Devon Health Services. The agreements permit the adjudication of claims and payment for ConfirmMDx for insured patients, MDxHealth said.

ACS is an ancillary benefits and claims management firm based in Dallas covering 4.5 million lives through its managed care network agreements. Consilium, based in King of Prussia, Pa., provides solutions for out-of-network healthcare claims and reduces costs for health plans, third-party administrators, unions, and employer groups.

MDxHealth also signed deals with PPOs Galaxy Health Network and Prime Health Services in recent months providing their members access to the ConfirmMDx test.