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Life Technologies to Distribute Quidel MDx Assays

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Life Technologies will distribute and sell Quidel's molecular diagnostic assays in Europe under an agreement announced today.

Beginning next month, Life Tech will begin selling two Quidel molecular diagnostic tests — the Influenza A+B Real-Time RT-PCR Assay and the human metapneumovirus (hMPV) assays. Quidel had announced yesterday that its hMPV test had received the CE Mark. Its influzenza test received the CE Mark in August.

Both of the assay kits are for use with Life Tech's 7500 family of PCR instruments.

Kim Caple, head of molecular diagnostics at Life Technologies, said in a statement that around 10 percent of Life Tech's current revenues are derived from molecular diagnostics, "and we expect that percentage to grow significantly in the next several years as we expand our presence in the diagnostics arena."

Life Tech and Quidel expect to launch additional molecular assays later this year but did not provide further details.

Financial terms of the alliance were not disclosed.