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Jackson Lab to Incorporate CollabRx Informatics in Genetic Cancer Tests

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – CollabRx announced today that The Jackson Laboratory will incorporate the firm's data analysis solutions into genetic sequencing-based cancer tests that the lab offers to physicians.

San Francisco-based CollabRx said the deal marks the first such relationship for the firm with a "large and influential non-profit biomedical research institute." Under the agreement, JAX will leverage CollabRx's updated knowledge base in molecular medicine, "ensuring that the latest medical and scientific data is made available to ordering physicians to aid in their interpretation of test results and inform patient-treatment planning."

The partners did not disclose terms of the alliance.

"A contextualized interpretation of cancer mutation panels is critical in using a genomics-based approach to inform cancer-treatment planning," Charles Lee, director of the Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, said in a statement. "CollabRx has developed a scalable process and software platform to provide a best-in-class medical informatics solution that will enable JAX to arm physicians with a meaningful analysis of a tumor's molecular characteristics when determining a cancer-treatment plan."