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Eilaf Distributing Saladax's My5-FU Test in Egypt, Other Parts of Middle East

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Saladax Biomedical said today that Eilaf Pharma will exclusively distribute the My5-FU diagnostic test in Egypt and the Middle East North African region.

Saladax's test allows physicians to determine optimal dosing of the 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) anti-cancer drug for patients, and is the first of the Bethlehem, Penn.-based firm's dose management tests to be commercially available.

5-FU is a chemotherapy widely used in conjunction with other drugs in first-line therapy for colorectal cancer and other solid tumors, Saladax said.

"We hope that with this tool, our oncologists will be able to provide their patients with the most appropriate course of chemotherapy possible," Haytham Abuelfadl, Eilaf's managing director, said in a statement.

Financial and other terms were not disclosed.

Saladax has inked several distribution deals for My5-FU in the past year, and most recently signed on InyDia Labs to distribute the test in Spain and Portugal.