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Egyptian Biotech Group Seeks 'Omics Partners

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – The Egyptian Organization for Biotechnology and Vaccines is seeking partners to work with it on a variety of research program areas focused largely on genotyping and pharmacogenetics in cancer and in autoimmune diseases, the European Commission said this week.

The Cairo-based lab seeks partners for collaborative projects of small, medium, and large scales that could involve a range of research areas.

These projects could involve research into pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics research; bioinformatics; epigenetic applications in gene therapy for autoimmune diseases; epigenetic applications in gene therapy for autoimmune disease; human molecular diseases that could include DNA-based technologies; developing real-time PCR for quantifying gene expression related to diabetes, cancer, and leukemia; and proteomics and metabolomics applications of disease treatment, among others.

More information about the partnership request is available at the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Program website.