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CML HealthCare to Offer Mitomics Prostate Test in Canada

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – CML HealthCare today said that it has licensed exclusive rights to offer Mitomics' prostate cancer test in Canada.

The Prostate Core Mitomic Test is a mitochondrial DNA-based test that detects malignant cells in biopsy tissue. The firms said it can detect mitochondrial DNA alterations in benign tissue when a tumor is present in adjacent tissue, and they noted that the test offers 85 percent sensitivity with a negative predictive value of 92 percent.

Under the agreement, Canadian urologists will be able to order the test through CML beginning in early 2013. Mitomics will analyze the specimens at its CLIA lab in Aurora, Colo. Financial and other terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

The deal with CML follows a licensing deal that Mitomics inked last month with Laboratory Corporation of America to offer the test through its Dianon Systems specialized lab.