NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – CML HealthCare and XDx jointly announced today that CML has licensed exclusive rights to market XDx's AlloMap test initially in Ontario, Canada but with an option to extend the rights across the country.
Mississauga, Ontario-based CML, a publicly held diagnostic services provider, expects to begin offering the test later this summer. Financial and other terms of the alliance were not disclosed.
XDx's AlloMap measures the expression levels of a set of genes from a blood sample, providing clinicians a tool for evaluating a patient's risk for a heart transplant rejection. The company launched the test in 2005, and three years later the US Food and Drug Administration approved AlloMap.
The Brisbane, Calif.-based firm recently signed a memorandum of understanding that would provide an exclusive license to Diaxonhit for the AlloMap test in Europe. That deal would make Diaxonhit XDx's exclusive partner on the continent.