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Affomix to Select mAbs for Kalgene Pharma

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Monoclonal antibody company Affomix said today it has signed an agreement with Kalgene Pharmaceuticals to select antibodies with potential diagnostic and therapeutic use in breast cancer.

Under the agreement, Branford, Conn.-based Affomix will use its Y2HExpress technology to generate antibodies against several proprietary targets selected by Kalgene.

Financial terms of the agreement have not been disclosed.

Affomix said that Y2HExpress aids in the selection of single-chain antibodies with greater throughput and specificity than conventional yeast two-hybrid and other antibody selection methods.

Kalgene, based in Toronto, is a private company focused on developing oncology therapeutics and companion diagnostics.

In a statement, Nathan Yoganathan, Kalgene's President and CEO said that the company chose Affomix to select antibodies against its proprietary targets because the Y2HExpress technology can "select antibodies at an unprecedented level of specificity, combined with very favorable financial advantages."