LC Sciences
The Houston-based firm said that it would offer the technology as part of its service business first, followed shortly by a kit launch.
New Product Watch: May 17, 2011
Fluidigm's 192.24 Dynamic Array IFC, LC Sciences' V17 MicroRNA Microarrays, Arrayjet's Custom Microarray Services, Randox Laboratories' Quantiplasma Array
Products and Services
LC Sciences' MicroRNA Microarrays
New Products: Mar 23, 2010
Febit Whole-Genome Sequencing Service, Ambry Genetics X-Linked Mental Retardation Testing Panel, LC Sciences Seq-Array Services
New Product Watch: Mar 23, 2010
Illumina HiScanSQ, Affymetrix Mouse Diversity Genotyping Array, Jackson Laboratory JAX Mouse Diversity Genotyping Array Service, Ambry Genetics X-Linked Mental Retardation SuperPanel, Febit whole-genome sequencing services, LC Sciences Seq-ArraySM, BioDiscovery ImaGene 9.0