NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) — Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have performed the first validation of the Cepheid Xpert Flu assay in a population of emergency room patients with acute undifferentiated respiratory illness.
Roche Execs Map Out Broad MDx Strategy at AACC Meeting
CHICAGO (GenomeWeb) — Roche Diagnostics this week provided a window into its business strategy, particularly in the area of molecular diagnostics where, over the last several months, the company has made a number of moves designed to position itself as "the most comprehensive provider of solution
BioFire Boosts BioMerieux Q1 Revenues; Biodefense Contract on Hold due to Focus Dx Legal Protest
NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) — BioMérieux said this week that its first quarter revenues increased 3 percent year over year but 8 percent when including sales from recent acquisition BioFire Diagnostics and at constant exchange rates.
Roche's acquisition of privately held Boston-area molecular diagnostics developer Iquum, announced earlier this week, is expected to fill a hole in Roche's product portfolio, gi
Roche Acquires POC MDx Firm Iquum
NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) — Roche said today that it has acquired Iquum, a privately held company developing point-of-care molecular diagnostics.
Apr 10, 2013
Apr 4, 2012
Aug 25, 2011
Aug 23, 2011
FDA Clears IQuum's Influenza A/B Assay
Nov 11, 2010
Jul 1, 2010
May 13, 2010