InteRNA Technologies
InteRNA Technologies last week announced that it is collaborating with the University of Bonn and Belgian biopharmaceutical firm UCB to identify and study microRNAs as therapeutic targets for neurodegenerative diseases.
EU Provides $15.4M for International Study of MiRNA in Epilepsy
NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – The European Union has provided €11.5 million ($15.4 million) to fund an international research consortium that will seek to investigate the roles microRNAs play in epilepsy and how they may be used to develop new diagnostics and treatments for the disease.
Dutch microRNA drug developer InteRNA Technologies this month announced that it has received a notice of allowance from the US Patent and Trademark Office for a patent application covering a number of novel microRNA sequences, including one that forms the basis of the company's l
Under the deal, InteRNA’s lentiviral-based miRNA over-expression library will be used in “multi-parametric, high-throughput functional screening assays” to identify the role of individual miRNAs in various cancer pathways. The company hopes to discover novel miRNAs as therapeutic targets.
Apr 23, 2009
Feb 26, 2009