Genome Medical
Count Me In, Genome Medical Team up on Genetic Services for Rare Cancer Research Projects
Qualifying participants in two projects will be referred to Genome Medical for genetic counseling and will be offered optional clinical germline genetic testing.
FDNA, Genome Medical Combine Phenotyping Tool, Genomic Service to Speed Rare Disease Diagnoses
The firms aim to combine FDNA's image analysis software with Genome Medical's genetic counseling and telehealth services to shorten diagnostic odysseys.
Genome Medical, Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation Partner for Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Testing
The CMT Genie Project aims to provide faster and more equitable access to genetic testing for the CMT community via virtual services.
Seven Bridges Genomics to Foster Partnerships Between Health Systems, Pharmas With New Subsidiary
The Unified Patient Network expects pharmaceutical companies to sponsor whole-genome sequencing for patients from health systems for research and clinical purposes.
Genome Medical Raises $60M in Series C Round, to Acquire Telehealth Firm GeneMatters
GeneMatters provides genetic counseling, care delivery software, and patient engagement tools and will become a subsidiary of Genome Medical.