DxTerity Diagnostics
DxTerity Gets New York State Authorization for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Test
The test is used to identify patients less likely to respond to standard treatment and more likely to develop a severe kidney disorder.
DxTerity Diagnostics, Patients Choice Get FDA Emergency Use Authorizations for Coronavirus Tests
The two tests, both of which use RT-PCR technology to detect multiple viral targets, may be performed only by their respective developers.
DxTerity, Texas Department of State Health Services Coronavirus Molecular Tests Get FDA EUAs
Under the Emergency Use Authorizations, the RT-PCR tests may be performed by any laboratory CLIA-certified to perform high-complexity testing.
DxTerity Gets CE Mark for At-Home Blood Sample Collection Device
The device is designed to stabilize RNA and DNA from fingerstick blood at room temperature for up to two weeks so that it can be mailed to a lab for analysis.
The company is combining digital recruiting methods with at-home sample collection to speed up the study process.
Jan 15, 2018
Apr 7, 2015
DxTerity Lands $7.5M in Debt Financing
Jan 30, 2015
Jun 7, 2011
DxTerity Buys Cancer Dx Rights from SourceMDx
Nov 11, 2010