Convey Computer
NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Bluebee has joined the OpenPower Foundation, an open development community that leverages the IBM Power architecture.
Convey Computer, Bluebee to Co-distribute Products, Collaborate on Bioinformatics Tool Development
NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Convey Computer and Bluebee have signed a distribution agreement that lets both companies sell their respective software products to clients in the next-generation sequencing market.
Convey Computer and Nimbix have begun accepting applications from the genomics researchers for The Accelerated Genomics Cloud, or TAGC, promotion — a jointly run venture that aims to provide $25,000 worth of free runtime for bioinformatics projects on infrastructure provided by b
Convey Computer said this week that the Broad Institute has purchased one of its hybrid core computing systems, which will be used to speed up portions of its next-generation sequencing data analysis pipeline.
Convey Computer said this week that the UK’s Genome Analysis Center, TGAC, has purchased two Convey HC-1ex hybrid-core systems, which will be used for genomic data analysis.