Clovis Oncology
FDA Approves Foundation Medicine Liquid Biopsy Test as CDx for Three Targeted Therapies
FoundationOne Liquid CDx can now be used as a companion diagnostic for therapies to treat advanced ovarian, breast, and non-small cell lung cancer.
Treatment With Less Toxic Rubraca in Molecularly-Defined Pancreatic Cancer Subset Proposed at AACR
Maintenance treatment with Clovis' rucaparib may be a more tolerable maintenance therapy than chemo in platinum-responsive patients with mutations in BRCA1/2 or PALB2.
Clovis, Myriad Genetics Working to Meet Post-Market Study Commitment for PARP Inhibitor
Myriad said it will submit a supplementary premarket approval application for its BRACAnalysis CDx, which the FDA originally approved in 2014.
Clovis, Strata Partner to Identify Prostate Cancer Best Responders to PARP Inhibitor
Strata will refer castration-resistant prostate cancer patients with BRCA and ATM mutations for potential enrollment in Clovis' Rubraca studies.
FDA clearance of the first NGS companion diagnostic paves the way for other comprehensive genomic profiling tests, but Foundation will have to educate docs on the benefits of its test.