New Cancer Susceptibility Genes Identified in Germline Genetic Variation Study
Researchers tracked down six genes with ties to increased or decreased cancer risk in a study involving nearly 864,500 European ancestry individuals with or without cancer.
Reversing Previous Findings, Corrected Decode Paper Shows SomaScan More Precise Than Olink Explore
Olink's platform appears to have better specificity, but many researchers suggest such comparisons are less useful than better understanding both tools' capabilities.
The resource contains Illumina whole-genome sequencing data from UK Biobank participants and is available to approved researchers worldwide.
Icelandic Study Links Actionable Genetic Variants to Reduced Lifespan
Using sequence data for almost 58,000 Icelanders, Decode Genetics researchers showed that actionable genotypes were associated with earlier death.
Genetic Contributors to Plasma Protein Levels Unearthed in Multiple Studies
Researchers used Pharma Proteomics Project plasma protein profiles for UK Biobank participants to identify genetic associations with protein levels, providing disease clues.