In a recent interview with ProteoMonitor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich researcher Ruedi Aebersold observed that to a significant extent, proteomics has been constrained by a lack of good affinity reagents (
Anticipating that NGS will become a key clinical tool in coming years, several proteomics firms and researchers are investigating it as a platform for protein biomarker detection assays that use nucleotides as capture agents, hoping to take advantage of the technology's precision and multiplexing ability.
Funding Update for Jul 13, 2010
New NIH Grants for Sequencing-Related Technology and Methods, January-June 2010
Movers & Shakers: Jun 11, 2010
John Boyce, James Slattery, Sam Raees
Paired Ends: Jun 8, 2010
David Weitz, John Boyce