William Hagstrom
Genalyte has appointed William Hagstrom to its board of directors. Hagstrom has more than three decades of executive and board-level experience in the healthcare and diagnostic sectors, including founding Octave Bioscience, where he currently serves as CEO. He also previously served as president and CEO of Crescendo Bioscience, and as president of Alpha BioPartners.
Shelly Guyer
Veracyte has announced the resignation of Shelly Guyer, the company's chief financial officer. Guyer, who is leaving to pursue other career opportunities, will remain in the position for the next few months as she works with Veracyte's senior management to help ensure a smooth transition.
Nitin Sood
NuGen Technologies has appointed Nitin Sood as CEO. Sood succeeds Elizabeth Hutt, who recently left the company to pursue other opportunities. He joins NuGen from PerkinElmer, where he served as vice president and general manager of life science instruments. Sood also previously served as CEO of Boreal Genomics, and as general manager of automation and electrophoresis at Agilent Technologies.
For more recent items on executive appointments and promotions in the omics and molecular diagnostics industries, please see the People in the News page on our website.