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People in the News: Howard Jacob, Ilan Daskal, and more

Howard Jacob

The HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology has appointed Howard Jacob vice president for medical genomics and chief medical genomics officer. Jacob has more than 25 years of experience in genetic sequencing and joins HudsonAlpha from the Medical College of Wisconsin where he served for almost 20 years, including as the founding director of the Human and Molecular Genetics Center and as a professor of physiology. Previous to that, he was on the faculty at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

Ilan Daskal 

Cepheid announced the appointment of Ilan Daskal as executive VP and chief financial officer, effective April 9. Daskal brings more than 20 years of finance experience to Cepheid, most recently as executive VP and CFO at International Rectifier Corporation, a power management semiconductor technology company. He has also held positions at Infineon Technologies, Savan Communication, and Smartlink.

Gustavo Salem

Idex has appointed Gustavo Salem president of its Health & Science division. Salem was previously president and CEO of clinical proteomics firm SISCAPA Assay Technologies. With Salem's departure, SISCAPA Founder Leigh Anderson has taken over as the company's CEO. Salem remains a member of SISCAPA's board.

Bill Lundberg

CRISPR Therapeutics announced the appointment of Bill Lundberg as chief scientific officer. Lundberg will lead the firm's development programs and R&D operations in Cambridge, Mass. He comes to CRISPR Therapeutics from Alexion Pharmaceuticals, where he was vice president and head of Translational Medicine. He has also held posts at Taligen Therapeutics, Genzyme, and Wyeth.

For more recent items on executive appointments and promotions in the omics and molecular diagnostics industries, please see the People in the News page on our website.