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People in the News: Christoph Franz, Richard Lifton, Kevin Hrusovsky, and more

Christoph Franz, Richard Lifton, etc.

Roche said that Christoph Franz has been reelected as chairman of the board. Nine other board members were also reelected to one-year terms, while two new board members were elected. 

Rejoining Roche's board are André Hoffmann, Pius Baschera; John Bell; Paul Bulcke; DeAnne Julius; Andreas Oeri; Roche CEO Severin Schwan; Peter Voser; and Beatrice Weder di Mauro. Richard Lifton and Bernhard Poussot were elected as new board members. 

Lifton is the Sterling Professor of Genetics and a professor of medicine atYaleUniversity, where he is also chair of the genetics department. He is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. 

Poussot is the former chairman and CEO of Wyeth and currently serves on the boards of other organizations including the Max Planck Institute.

Kevin Hrusovsky 

Quanterix announced that Kevin Hrusovsky has been appointed CEO. He will continue to serve as executive chairman of the firm's board of directors. Hrusovsky brings over 20 years of experience in the life science and diagnostics industries. Prior to joining Quanterix, he was president of Life Sciences and Technologies at PerkinElmer, CEO of Caliper Life Sciences, and CEO of Zymark.

William Hagstrom 

William Hagstrom has joined the board of CareDx. Hagstrom is the founder and CEO of Octave Bioscience, an early stage molecular diagnostics firm that is focused on neurodegenerative diseases. Before that, he was president and CEO of Crescendo Bioscience, now part of Myriad Genetics. He also has served as president of Alpha BioPartners, interim CEO of Selexys Pharmaceuticals and Inoveon, and chairman and CEO of UroCor. 

Kate Black

23andMe has appointed Kate Black as its new privacy officer and corporate counsel. Black previously worked as a federal regulatory and interoperability policy analyst at the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. She also has served as health privacy counsel for the Center for Democracy and Technology inSan Francisco. Black will report to Kathy Hibbs, chief legal and regulatory affairs officer of 23andMe, and will be responsible for reviewing, updating, and enhancing the company's privacy and consent policies for customers. 

For more recent items on executive appointments and promotions in the omics and molecular diagnostics industries, please see the People in the News page on our website.