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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Mar 13, 2015

Pressure BioSciences' PCT-HD system

Pressure BioSciences has commercially released its PCT-HD system, which combines its micro-Pestle consumable with an enhanced Barocycler NEP2320 instrument. "This combination enables faster, less cumbersome, and higher quality homogenization, extraction, and digestion of proteins," the firm said in a statement. The system was developed in collaboration with Ruedi Aebersold and Tiannan Guo, researchers with ETH Zurich's Institute of Molecular Systems Biology.

Pressure Bio noted that researchers will give talks at next week's US Human Proteomic Organization meeting on the advantages of using the PCT-HD System for biomarker discovery.

Bioline Isolate II Nucleic Acid Purification Kits

Bioline, a subsidiary of Meridian Bioscience, has launched five kits as part of its Isolate II nucleic acid purification product portfolio. The new kits are: Isolate II miRNA, Plant miRNA, Biofluids RNA, RNA/DNA/Protein, and FFPE RNA/DNA. 

The new kits are based on silica membrane spin column technology and optimized buffer chemistry; feature simple bind-wash-elute steps; and are designed for rapid, phenol-free isolation of high-quality nucleic acids, including miRNA, even from difficult-to-process samples, Bioline said. The new kits also efficiently purify high-quality large RNA species such as mRNA, the company said.

GoldenHelix's VarSeq

Golden Helix has released  VarSeq 1.1.1, the latest version of its software for annotating and filtering variants obtained from NGS pipelines.

This version of the software includes a phenotype gene ranking application called PhoRank, a phenotype driven variant ontological re-ranking tool that is modeled on the Phevor algorithm. It calculates gene scores that can be used to rank and filter variants and it prioritizes variants based on the gene's relevance to the observed phenotype.

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