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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Jul 1, 2016

ADL/Metabolomic Technologies' PolypDx Urine-Based Diagnostic Test

Atlantic Diagnostic Laboratories has launched Metabolomic Technologies' PolypDx, a non-invasive urine-based test for detection of adenomatous polyps, the precursor to colorectal cancer. PolypDx only requires a small urine sample for analysis. In a Canadian clinical trial the test demonstrated significantly higher sensitivity than a current fecal-based screening test to detect adenomatous polyps, the company said.

PolypDX is the flagship product of Metabolomic Technologies, a privately held Canadian company that has given ADL exclusive licensing and distribution rights to bring the test to the US market.

BioNano's Updated Irys Data Solutions

BioNano Genomics has launched an update to its Irys Data Solution to improve structural variation analysis in human samples. The product is a powerful suite of software and hardware solutions that includes IrysSolve, which hosts the data analysis pipeline; IrysView, which provides visualized genome map information; and IrysSolve Compute, a server solution optimized to run the IrysSolve software. The update includes IrysSolve v2.1 which includes a new automated haplotype-aware assembler that separates allelic differences in the generated maps, and a new structural variation calling algorithm that can quickly and accurately determine individual instances of both homozygous and heterozygous structural variation within a human sample.

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