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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Jun 10, 2016

Thermo Fisher Scientific Proteome Discover 2.1

Thermo Fisher Scientific has launched its Proteome Discover 2.1 platform. The system offers a comprehensive data analysis for quantitative and qualitative proteomics research using a node-based processing framework. The new version incorporates additional support for analyzing large data sets, an updated user interface for quantitative ratios, and enhanced capabilities for tandem mass tag quantitation workflows.

Bruker TimsTOF Mass Spectrometer and Metabobase Metabolic Library

Bruker has launched its TimsTOF Mass Spectrometer and MetaboBase Metabolic Library. The TimsTOF system combines high ion mobility resolution greater than 200, using Bruker's proprietary trapped ion mobility spectrometry, with the company's ESI-QTOF mass spectrometry. The new mass spectrometry uses ion mobility technology to enable the high-definition profiling of compounds and conformations in complex samples, the company said. The MetaboBase library, contains high-resolution accurate mass MS/MS spectra of over 13,000 metabolic compounds for the seamless identification of metabolites.

Waters' Xevo TQ-XS Mass Spectrometer and Symphony Data Pipeline

Waters has launched its new Xevo TQ-XS mass spectrometer and its Symphony Data Pipeline software. The new tandem quadropole mass spectrometry system uses the StepWave XS ion guide, incorporates the XDR Detector — a photomultiplier detection system — and a proprietary ionization source called UniSpray. The Symphony software automates the movement and transformation of large amounts of LC-MS data to speed up analytical workflows by automatically copying raw data files to a remote location while the column is conditioning, the company said.

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