BD CLiC Library Prep System
Becton Dickinson has launched the BD CLiC system. The system is a high-throughput, fully integrated, next-generation sequencing library prep instrument engineered for targeted and whole-genome library preparation. It features the flexibility to scale between 24 and 96 samples per run, allowing the ability to process more than 50,000 samples per year. The "walkaway" automation capability, from purified DNA sample to sequence-ready barcoded libraries, can help reduce the risk of human error, said the company. The BD CLiC system is already being used by early-access customers and is now commercially available for research use.
10x Genomics Chromium System
10x Genomics has launched a new Chromium System, an upgrade for existing short-read sequencers. It unlocks critical long-range genomics and cell-by-cell gene expression information, the firm said. The system supports the following applications:
- Chromium Single Cell 3', which performs deep profiling of complex cell populations with high-throughput digital gene expression on a cell-by-cell basis.
- Chromium Genome, which provides long-range information on a genome-wide scale, enabling identification of critical variants in heritable disorders and discovery of key alterations in cancer.
- Chromium Exome, which provides long-range information for phasing structural variant detection and copy number determination, giving researchers access to low-complexity and repetitive regions previously missed with short-read sequencing.
- The Supernova Assembler, which opens the door to low-cost, everyday diploid de novo assemblies by unlocking sample-specific sequence and produces diploid genome structure.
Qiagen Targeted RNA Panels
Qiagen has launched more than 170 new QIAseq targeted RNA panels for gene expression profiling. The panels enable researchers to select from over 20,000 human genes and IncRNA to survey expression fold changes and discover interactions between genes, cellular phenotypes, and disease processes, said the company. The panel technology combines the flexibility and throughput of NGS with the accuracy of qPCR and uses only 20 nanograms of starting RNA material to analyze hundreds of genes. QIAseq targeted RNA panels cover an extensive range of disease- and signaling pathway-focused genes, with each panel targeting 100 to 500 genes. The panels can also be customized to include other genes of clinical and biological interest with the flexibility to analyze from 12 to 1,000 genes simultaneously.
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