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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Oct 16, 2015

Rosetta Genomics BRAF Mutation Assay

Rosetta Genomics has launched a molecular test for BRAF mutation analysis to help personalize therapy for melanoma and colon cancer patients. The test uses competitive allele-specific TaqMan (CAST) PCR technology, which can detect as little as 0.5 percent mutated DNA in a large, normal DNA sample. BRAF mutations occur in up to 50 percent of malignant melanomas, and several US Food and Drug Administration-approved BRAF inhibitor therapies have been introduced to the market for use in patients with late-stage metastatic melanoma, Rosetta noted.

HTG Molecular Diagnostics EdgeSeq Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Cell of Origin Assay

HTG Molecular Diagnostics has introduced the HTG EdgeSeq Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Cell of Origin assay. The test, which is for research use only, classifies DLBCL into one of the two major subtypes: activated B-cell-like or germinal center B-cell-like. The assay is performed on the automated HTG EdgeSeq system, and couples the company's proprietary nuclease protection chemistry with next-generation sequencing. The test was validated on more than 250 cases previously subtyped through microarray-based gene expression profiling, HTG said.

SeraCare Seraseq Solid Tumor Mutation Mix-I

SeraCare Life Sciences has launched the Seraseq Solid Tumor Mutation Mix-I (AFI-10) a reference material for next-generation sequencing-based tumor profiling assays. The kit contains the same mixture of mutations in key oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes as in the previously launched AF20 mix, but is offered at five additional allele frequencies, SeraCare said. By offering a set of material at 10, 8, 5, 3, and 1 percent allele frequency, this product enables laboratories to test their lower limit of variant frequency against a known and well-characterized reference material, the company added.

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