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In Brief This Week: PerkinElmer, Alere, Thermo Fisher Scientific, and More

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – In a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission this week, PerkinElmer disclosed that it paid $63.5 million in cash to acquire Bioo Scientific, a deal the firm originally disclosed during its second quarter earnings conference call in August. In its SEC filing, PerkinElmer also said it had acquired a second, unnamed company in 2016 for $8.8 million. A company spokesman told GenomeWeb that this second deal was to acquire Delta Instruments, a company that manufactures analyzers for dairy testing.

Also in a filing with the SEC this week, Alere announced that it will delay filing its financial disclosure statements for 2016 because it is "reviewing certain aspects of revenue recognition at its Korean and Japanese locations. Alere's management recently became aware of information that could impact the timing of certain revenue transactions in 2013, 2014, 2015, and the first three quarters of 2016." Alere noted that it expects the review to result in a revenue change of up to $5 million for fiscal 2013 and 2014, a revenue decrease of approximately $5 million to $10 million for 2015, and a revenue increase of $5 million to $10 million for the first three quarters of 2016.

Thermo Fisher Scientific this week announced that its board of directors have declared a quarterly cash dividend of $.15 per share, payable on April 17 to shareholders of record as of March 15.

Healthcare information technology firm NextGxDx said this week that it has changed its name to Concert Genetics in a bid to reflect its mission of providing tools that can connect and simplify the world of genetic testing for hospitals, health systems, clinicians, health plans, labs and governing organizations.

Illumina this week launched its iHope Network, a consortium of institutions that will provide clinical whole genome sequencing to underserved families. Illumina, which first announced the initiative in December, said that it has now been joined in the consortium by Genome.One, GeneDx, HudsonAlpha, and their affiliate healthcare partners.

In Brief This Week is a selection of news items that may be of interest to our readers but had not previously appeared on the GenomeWeb site.