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In Brief This Week: GeneNews; Accelr8; Atlas Antibodies, Gene Company

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – GeneNews' shares began trading this week the Toronto Stock Exchange on a one-for-six consolidated basis, resultin in 33,744,883 issued and outstanding shares. The consolidation was previously announced on Dec. 7 and was approved by the company's shareholders in April.

Accelr8 Technology began trading on the Nasdaq on Wednesday after moving from the New York Stock Exchange. Its stock trades under the ticker symbol "AXDX," and on its website the company has also begun calling itself Accelerate Diagnostics.

Atlas Antibodies has chosen Hong Kong-based firm Gene Company to distribute its polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies for research use in China, Hong Kong, and Macau.

In Brief This Week is a Friday column containing news items that our readers may have missed during the week.