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Paired Ends: Gina Costa, Dirk Evers, David Whelan, Arnold Levine, Bradley Lorimier, More


Gina Costa is now senior director of genomic applications at Illumina. She joins Illumina from Life Technologies, where she was senior director of genetic analysis, working on development of the Ion Torrent and SOLiD sequencing technologies.

She has also held positions at Agencourt Bioscience and Roche's 454 Life Sciences. She holds a BS in genetics from the University of California, Davis and a PhD in immunology from Stanford University.

Dirk Evers and David Whelan are no longer at the New York Genome Center.

Evers had been the senior vice president of informatics since July 2012. Previously, he was director of computational biology at Illumina. He holds a PhD in bioinformatics from Bielefeld University in Germany.

Whelan was senior vice president of business development and chief strategy officer at the NYGC. He is now a principal at Global Aperture. Previously, he was manager of product planning and analysis at Apex Fitness Group and was a marketing and business development associate at Mission Ventures/Bullrun Financial. He holds an MBA from the University of California, Los Angeles Anderson School of Management.

Arnold Levine and Bradley Lorimier retired from Life Technologies' board of directors at the company's annual meeting.

Additionally, the following members were elected to serve as directors until the 2014 meeting: George Adam, Raymond Dittamore, Donald Grimm, Craig Mundie, Ora Pescovitz, and Per Peterson.